This site records the experiences of Lisa, a volunteer with the Red Cross, sent to help with the victims of Katrina and Rita.

Friday, September 09, 2005

#1 Katrina Hits

I recently received a forwarded letter from Michael Moore. I have received it from several of my friends. Below is my reply that I am sending on to my mailing list:

Got the letter, read it, and I believe he is right. This governments' lack of response is despicable. But rather than sitting home and pontificating, Mr. Moore, Mr. Bush and all of their friends both big and small, you, and all of your friends, ought to do something more concrete.

Yesterday I joined the Red Cross. Today I filled out the paperwork. Tomorrow I go in to be trained. It looks like next week I leave for either Mississippi, Houston or New Orleans. I have talked to all of my friends, and two of them are doing the same. Nine days out of our lives. Big whoop.

I will work like hell for those days. I will do what little I can. I will come home to a house that is standing, a business that is doing well and my child who is alive. A life that will go on as usual. Many thousands have lost all of those things and more.

Talk is cheap...

Opinions no longer matter to over a million people in those areas affected by this catastrophe....


Instead of sitting around and complaining.

Or pointing fingers...(there will be plenty of time for that later)...

Do something....

Get off of your butts...



Make a difference...

Change the world.....

Or at least one small part of it.

Send this one on.




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