#7 More Info
Spent the day playing phone tag with the head of department. She of whom I cannot say enough good things. Apparently, because I had filled in the wrong answer in the right box, I was not to be deployed. She fixed it. On top of the 12 hour days and the memos screaming at her for attention on her desk that were certainly more pressing than I, she fixed it. Amazing.
As the fix involved finagling, we won't go into it, except to say that we love logic, and we love finaglers.
Of course the rest of the day wwas intermitently spent trying to get signed on for one more day of work....and that was another story.
I called 5 different numbers, got five different people, none of whom knew that the Red Cross has a Family Services department, much less where it might be. Then those 5 transferred me over to another 5, who didn't know any more than the first 5.
Sigh.....Bureaucracy as run by volunteers. Inexperienced volunteers smashed in the face by a situation no one anticipated. Who knew? Anyway....How do you drill for the end of the world?
So the upshot of the day is: I am approved to go.......buuuuuttt...they still may not call me up for deployment. My frind Karen was asked to give the dates that she is available, I was not. So, it is looking more and more as though I will be staying here.
I plan to go into the RC tomorrow to do casework for a few hours. If perchance they do send me, I will hopefully be better prepared. If not, as one friend said: I have been deployed.
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