This site records the experiences of Lisa, a volunteer with the Red Cross, sent to help with the victims of Katrina and Rita.

Friday, September 23, 2005

#9 I've been Deployed

Got the call today, at about 6 pm. The woman on the other end of the line sounded franitic. She said, "Hi, is this Lisa? I'm "Betty", from the Red Cross. We need to deploy you immediately to Baton Rouge. I want you in the air by Sunday at the latest". Kinda figured that might happen with the new storm Rita coming in, and another named Philippe heading for Florida. Hadn't heard that yet, have you?

She proceeded to give me a list of things to know and remember. Disaster number, my personal number, number for the travel agency, number for the hotline telling me what to bring. Number to call her. Way too many numbers if you ask me.

I was to call the travel agency and get the first flight out Sunday. This proved impossible, as for some ungodly reason, all of the flights available were booked solid. Not helped by the fact that several airlines routed their Baton Rouge flight through Houston...whoops. So, I can't get out until Tuesday at the earliest.

The flight is booked. It cost $863 dollars. Luckily within the $900 flight budget allotted. $900! The last time I spent $900 on a flight, I was going to Nagoya, Japan, not Baton Rouge Louisiana. Who in their right mind would spend that much to get to Louisiana, especially in a disaster situation? One would think the going-bankrupt-quickly airlines might be lending a hand in these troubled times. I guess they don't see it as their problem. Guess when they finally do go completely bankrupt, we won't see that as our problem.

After I booked the flights, I contacted the office to let them know when I would be out, but couldn't reach anyone. I then called my pal "Andy", who had been in Baton Rouge on deployment for the last few weeks.

Apparently what we hear on the news is not exactly an accurate depiction of what is going on out there. Quelle Surprise. Still bodies all over the place, and they are still going house to house in search of survivors.....and it just started raining again. They are sending him off to Houston on Sunday if Houston is still there.

I also called my gallery owner friend. Back, staying with friends just outside of New Orleans for right now, who describes her house and family cars as "toast". Opened her car where the water had gone to the dash. She said it was about 150 degrees inside the car. She said that it was full of sludge and black mold. In fact, she said her house was full of the same. Water had gone up about waist high in the house, but that was enough to destroy virtually everything.

I started called my family to let them know. One friend who called in the middle of it all, asked me if I had thought about the possibility that I might lose my life out there? Now that was what I needed to hear. A little dramatic, but no, I had not considered it. Of course I suppose I could get hit by a bus, or carjacked here just as well. In any case, I plan to continue not to consider it.

Spoke to my favorite head woman again. She called at about 7:30 pm. She had been there since 7:30 am. I am anointing her queen of the planet, or at least submitting her for sainthood. She is taking a few days off before the onslaught begins anew. About time. These guys are totally and completely swamped. If you have a few hours, go in and answer phones or something.

So that's it for now. I might go in tomorrow for more hands on experience. I have an orientation on Saturday, taught by either the ranting woman or the guy who speaks little english. Should be edifying. I hope it is.

There they will give me my deployment papers, and my RC charge card to be used for necessities while on deployment. Like food. Wonder how they will do that if the power goes out again?

I am a little nervous, can you tell? I am sure that they must know what they are doing, but occasionally, it does look from this end as though the monkeys are running the zoo. Like I said...can all of you go in for a few hours and help out there? I will be less nervous if I know my friends are helping to run the

I will again let you know more when I know more.




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