This site records the experiences of Lisa, a volunteer with the Red Cross, sent to help with the victims of Katrina and Rita.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

#17: Day 7. You knew this was going to happen.

Bellemont in the morning. What a way to start a day. Same situation. Quelle surprise. Port-a-potties still overflowing, although by the end of the day, we were able to get more, and even one port a potty for the disabled. Woo hoo! The site manager was by now overwhelmed and saw my help that he has so desperately begged for up until now as suddenly a problem. More Port -a potties!? For the disabled?!" We don't need 'em!" Oh but we do, and I talk him into them as it has taken me three day to get the damn things. we wish desperately that our site manager had a brain in his head, but the fact is, he doesn't. He and his wife are the best of souls, but couldn't find their way to the john with a map. It was a travesty putting them in charge of this site, and now management has hung them out to dry. Wish we hadn't seen this one coming.

The one pallet with water had arrived, but it was not nearly enough. Acting on her own, trying again to prevent a crisis at this site, EMT "Jana". personally notified Logistics at headquarters, and the water situation was rectified immediately by the Logistics department, who I am told found a mostly empty water van, unknown to the site manager or volunteers. She was the one of "firestorm fame". I discovered later, after water was available to us, (through personal calculation), that the Bellemont site was using four pallets of water per day. We had been sent with none. EMT "Jana was a godsend. A help instead of a hindrance. what a concept.

The wheelchairs that had been sent while I was on vacation to N.O. with the Geek Goat Boy, were now almost all being used in the disabled line, as many elderly or disabled clients were unable to stand for the long hours of waiting that was required to begin processing. "Simon" wanted me to go back to headquarters yet again, to see if I could obtain two more tents for the disabled, as they were being forced to wait in the hot sun. I suggested that we also try to obtain chairs for the disabled, that we could line up against the wall so that we could then use our wheelchairs for those clients that collapsed in the main line to be transported back to the medical area, which was some distance away. "Simon" told me to OK that with supervisor "George", who was later to became site manager.

"George", OK’d the chairs, suggesting 200 as a number that would be useful. "Simon" again gave me his car and I returned to HQ. Hot doggies! I again approached Manager "Carrie", who again directed me to Manager Chicken Little. Deja Vu all over all over all over again. I was again very rudely accosted by Manager Viper, and ended up with Manager Moron,(aka, "Delilah"), after an exasperated Chicken Little, insisted Ms Pineapple Helmet Head ("Delilah"), take charge.

Ms "Delilah" listened to my report and my request. I explained in detail the reasons for them. She to my unending surprise, got on the phone, and arranged the tents and chairs. I was amazed. She then challenged why I was so frequently at headquarters. I told her to please call my site manager, as I was there at his request. She declined. IQ was required.

Ms "Delilah" Pineapple Brains informed me that my site manager was not "Simon and Lois", but rather, someone named “Neal”. She could not provide me with a last name. I had never heard of a “Neal” at our site, and told her so. Ms Moron continued to insist that S&L were not the site managers for the Bellemont Hotel. She then gave me, “Neal’s” phone number. That number proved to be invalid. Oooh, now wasn't that a surprise? The latest twist was that she was insiting that requests other than from the invisible non-existent site manager wouldn't be honored. How convenient is that"

I later informed "S&L" regarding the information on “Neal”, that "Delilah" had given me, and they confirmed that there was no one named “Neal" on site at any time, and that they believed that they were the site managers. No one ever figured out what Ms Grits-For-Brains was talking about. No one named “Neal”, was ever found to have been at the Bellemont.

As I was leaving, I was approached by a new manager, "Partay", From ARC National. She gave me a big smile, put her hand on my shoulder, and in a lilting, too-friendly voice, told me that my manager had no ideeeea that I was there, and that I was neeeeeded as a caseworker! Oh my gaaaawdd. She told me that "S&L" had insiiiiisted that I stay only at the Bellemont, and not leeeeeave. She added that my Manager "Simon", thought that I was a” liaison from headquarters.” Well lah dee dah. A new job title and another idiot to go with it all in one swoop. I was not only put off by this ding-a-ling's patronizing manner, I was incredulous, as both site managers, had to know exactly who I was, and I said so. As a casework supervisor, I had never presented myself to anyone, as anything else. Duh!

It was "Lois", who had pulled me off of the table doing casework to supervise in the first place, and "Simon", who had given me each and every one of my instructions to go into headquarters with their requests. Not only was it my managers who had sent me to headquarters each time, they had most times, given me the keys to their car to get there. Now lets go over that again for those in the audience that are stupider than the CLS staff. Oh sorry...that would be no one.

Before I left for the day, I approached Pineapple-For-Brains, and told her that I understood that my actions had in some way upset her, and that in future, I would, “ stay out of her hair”. The Houseplant took exception to my characterization, and pulled me aside to talk.

She said that She was aware that I had done some, “special projects with "The Hornet”, but that I had to, “ choose my position. I could be a caseworker, or continue with my , special projects”. I told dumber-than-dirt, smilingly, that I was "happy to be wherever I was placed, and in fact, the projects involved the Public Affairs department, and was done on my own time". Smile smile, grovel grovel. I knew intimately how Step n' Fetchit felt. That I might be capable of doing two things simultaneously, was a concept Ms Pineapple-core-head was patently unable to grasp. Now there's a shocker.

It took me a while to realize that Stupid-Stuffin'-Head, was referring to Hornet, on Stuffin' Head's own assumption. Hornet was only the final approval on each project sent through the great and powerful "Merri Sheri" at Public Affairs. Even when I attempted to explain, Dribble-Glass-Head did not seem to comprehend that I wrote the fliers myself, and only reformatted them with the help of "Merri Sheri", and her staff. Fluff-n-stuff seemed to ardently believe despite my continued protests, that the projects I had done myself on the side were projects that I had done at the behest of Hornet, who was patently incapable of an original thought, and that my original thoughts had originated with The Red Hornet? Sheesh!!!

Lima-Bean-Brain continued to repeat over and over again that I had to, “ do one or the other, and could not do both.” I found her insistence confusing and said so. (which way did he go George?), I did not see the position I had been placed in by CLS and Site Management, as a supervisor, to be in conflict with writing needed approved fliers on my own time after hours, I had written these fliers to ease the intake process, and eliminate some confusion for both clients and staff. The fliers I had written were presented one by one to CLS Management, and then went through all of the proper channels to be approved by Operations Management, under the aegis of the Public Affairs Department. For whatever reason, Mouse-Droppings-for-Brains found those two endeavors to be mutually exclusive, and continued to repeat over and over again, that I,“ had to make a choice.” Yup yup yup.

Dog -Scratching-its Head-Woman, dissatisfied with my response, apparently approached the Red Hornet, who then took me over to have a “chat”, with CLS management about my “position”. She dragged me to "Joe", although still smiling away, Was not available, so I was to have a “chat’ with "LB". Ms Hornet facetiously suggested aloud to "LB', that, “ perhaps I could stay at headquarters and work for "LB” That is if I didnt decide to eat her first.

What a discouraging “chat”. I voiced my concerns about the lack of Management logistical support for the Bellemont Hotel, and the total lack of support for the Site Managers "Si and Lois" . It became obvious almost immediately that "LB"was not hearing a thing I was saying, (lalalalalalalala), but rather using the same training that I had just recently gone through in Family Services classes in L.A.. Eye contact, listen, jot notes. Eye contact, listen, jot notes. Look concerned. It was perfunctory and ever so disingenuous. So waht is it with that law that prevents us from beating people? Really. there ought to be exceptions.

It was only when I mentioned the repeated lack of support that I felt the Bellemont was getting from Managers Pineapple and Chicken Little, that "LB spoke. Saying through pursed lips, that in her experience, I was the only person who had voiced that opinion regarding Ms’ Moron and Frump, ever in the history of time, but that she would look into it. Suuure she would. I did not bother mentioning, that I was probably the only person from the Bellemont site she had spoken to, as most if not all at that site shared my opinion.

"LB", also informed me that we were not Mass Care, and that we were not supposed to give out water to clients waiting in line, and certainly not snacks. I was stunned. How in good conscience could the Red Cross not give water to clients waiting in the hot sun? In up to nine hour lines, surrounded by trash and with no toilet facilities? They weren't just idiots, they were criminals.

I had actually ordered the snacks at the request of the EMT’s for the diabetics and staff, but there were also small children and babies in line. I had assumed that because of the extreme conditions in the lines we would of course give out water. It seemed inhumane not to. "LB", and CLS at HQ Management apparently did not share my opinion. Silly me.

In repeated instances, I found that this department had little sympathy for the clients. It made me ashamed to be associated with CLS. About time eh? In the end I walked away, from my conversation with ratty ol' "LB", feeling as though I had resolved nothing. Now there's a shocker. I went back to the Bellemont, returned "Simon's" keys, and dejectedly returned to headquarters with the carpool.

Back at headquarters,I was approached by "Bob", the looney tune from the shelter. He was aware of the obstacles I had tried to surmount at the Bellemont, and the lack of support I had received from the off site CLS Management. He had suggested before, that I try to transfer over to his department. He offered to take me over to meet his bosses, then and there. His plan was to walk me by the guys. He implied that if I was cute enough they would hire me. Knowing that he was not the sharpest crayon in the box, I figured that he must have gotten the scenario wrong. Either that, or this forty nine year-old had better be aaaawfly darn cute, aaaawfully fast.

He took me over to Logistics, (MSS/FAC), and pretended to have me look at a map. I had had it, and to his horror, turned around and walked straight towards the bosses. "Bob" squealed and tried to drag me back. When he saw his effort was doomed, he evaporated in case I managed to make a bad impression on the boys, and , and it somehow reflected on him. I walked striaght up up and met "Boss" and, and Manager Big Daddy. We spoke for about twenty minutes. It may have beenmy frazled brain, but they truly did seem great. To my fear and relief, they offered me a place in their department. I hesitated for a second. What the hell was I thinking? I realized that continuing in CLS With the Keystone Kops from Hell, would simply be an effort in further frustration. I was appalled at how poorly the CLS department was run. Management at CLS had made it clear that they did not consider me an asset, (now there's a monumental understatement), and I in turn, had lost respect for most of the so-called managers. (Gee ain't I polite?) Besides, I was doing logistics at the Bellemont anyway.

I forced myself to sign the transfer paper, just as "Simon" happened to walk by. I told him what I was doing, and asked if he could signand approve the transfer, as he was there. He told me that he regretted my loss, but also indicated that CLS Management had given him all kinds of grief over me, calling me ,“that crazy woman”, which I had heard Viper and CL repeat several times within my hearing. So ok, they figured me out. I have to say, I had to strain not to cry at signing. I am a sap. I also felt as though somehow I had failed. Well ok, I kind of felt relieved too. I still started to cry.

Because of my repeated trips to headquarters on the orders of the Bellemont Site Managers to request logistical support for our site, HQ Management were making it even more difficult, (if that were possible), for "Simon" to get anything done. They had implied to "Simon", that he shouldn’t be seen talking to me, or there would be repercussions. How's that for professional conduct? I found this behavior mind boggling. S. signed the transfer. I gave him my review documents, and asked that he get them to me asap.

I took the signed transfer immediately over to "LB". I told her that I had decided to transfer into another department. She did not ask why. I told her that I was transferring to gain more experience in logistics. She signed the blank transfer without reading it. I immediately moved into the Logistics department as the Technical Assistant to the Logistical Shelter Support Coordinator, The Boss. I wouldn't be able to remember my dang title for four days.

Other incidents that occurred at Bellemont. Not mentioned yet:

Problems at the door. The two volunteers at the door made repeated remarks about, “these people getting free money”. One let in white clients with doubtful ID’s, while turning away black clients with the same ID’s. This same volunteer indicated repeatedly, that she believed many, if not most of the clients to be swindlers. Qite a charmer. and she hailed from India. Not exactly white.

From what I understand at least in past disasters, from ARC statistics, one to two percent of the clients turn out to have committed fraud. I did not see anything at this site to contradict those numbers. I did see frequent cultural misunderstandings.

We did seem to develop a siege mentality at the site, brought on I believe by stress and exhaustion, lack of education and information, combined with the continued arrogance, lack of direction and support by HQ management. A complaint of racism was filed against volunteer "indira", by volunteer "Tawanna Islam-Jones" and an independent report was filed on racist acts committed by "Indira". that were witnessed, by a young black security guard at the site.

The volunteer, "Indira", was finally removed after "Simon" received independent corroboration from a white volunteer,(now what kind of bad joke was that?). Upon arriving back at headquarters, instead of being sent home as "Simon" had expected, "Indira" was placed in CLS HQ manning a computer. Isn't that special? Another volunteer, "Liz" skiiny as hair on a stick and twice as revved, was placed in charge of disabled clients at a door, this Frito forced an elderly male client to continue to sit when he indicated that he had to use the bathroom urgently. He wet himself. She was sent off site by the site managers, but CLS allowed her to transfer to Invoice Review where she stayed for the rest of her deployment. Is anyone shocked yet??

There was a distinct broad gap of cultural understanding, between volunteers and clients, as most of out volunteers are caucasian, many from smaller towns, and unfamiliar with either African American culture, southern culture, or the culture of poverty. Some specific training in these areas would have been very helpful but of course the white folks in charge didn't see it as necessary. The presently uninformative orientations could be used for this purpose. Think of that? Specifically, sensitivity training, as anything these charlatains may have learned, they promptly forgot.

Many many volunteers did not understand why certain requirements and procedures, weren’t “obvious”, to our clients. I pointed out that if our clients understood things easily, then they would have had the resources to evacuate their homes, prior to the hurricanes, and would not be waiting in our lines for hours and hours. For a $350 return. In turn, clients did not understand why some of our volunteers found some of their family and financial situations, so difficult to believe. In one instance, a volunteer did not believe a nineteen year-old male client who stated that he had three children of his own, plus a four year-old cousin living with him. earth to us: Large numbers of children had early in life are common in impoverished communities both black and white.

The Bellemont was chaotic and made dangerous, simply due to severe lack of planning, and operating on assumption by CLS Staff. Both volunteers and clients were put into dangerous and at times abusive situations unnecessarily. An atmosphere of “them against us” pervaded in some areas of the site. Primarily at the entry door. Conflicting messages about ID’s, admittance tickets, zip codes etc…occurred every day, every hour, the atmosphere was contradictory and chaotic. Humanitarian concerns were at times forgotten in the chaos. Impartiality fell by the wayside, as did neutrality. I heard the phrase, “these people” (meaning clients), used angrily, over and over again among both volunteers and staff, when the confusing situation that led to our client’s anger was created by us.

I again heard the phrase, “These people are getting free money”, at one point voiced by The Grand Wizard...I mean the head of the Shreveport chapter of the ARC during a staff meeting, (during the period I was with Logistics). My gentle correction of Mr. Pointy-head's statement was met with reproof. Although racism is endemic in this area of the country, it is my sage opinion, that the ARC does not need to be a party to it. The majority of our clients in this particular disaster are African American. Their experience with the ARC does not need to be made more difficult by some of our volunteer and staff’s stilted preconceptions. Ya think?

Regarding the CLS Department: It is fragmented and inefficient. Wow is it inneficient. Beset by gossip and backbiting, it was my observation that decisions were made, (during my time there at least), as much on personal feelings as on facts. The continual lack of preplanning bordered on insanity, as it put clients and volunteers in jeopardy. The environment was unprofessional and counterproductive. In fact it was a downright catastrophe in the making.

Unfortunately, the CLS department is the face of the ARC in Louisiana, as it is primarily its staff and volunteers that come into contact with clients and the general public. The completely detached and disorganized theoretical approach to clients and volunteers that this department has developed and cemented as protocol has contributed greatly to the negative reaction the ARC has been lately receiving in the national and international press. wonder why folks have stopped giving?

So there I was shorn of my old department, thrust into the new. I wondered what was in store, buit I knew that it couldn't be worse. The new guys seemed like they were sane, but one never knows. what happened next will have you on the floor screaming. If you thought you'd seen it all, you h'ain't seen nothin' yet!

Just wait....







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